Sunday, September 4, 2016

Fun with Mental Strength

Psychology. It was one of my first interest and what I thought I wanted to be when I grew up. Well, after retiring from being a professional athlete of course. Years before I even knew cycling was a sport.
Choosing Psychology as a degree was shortly lived, since it was the phd I had to achieve in order to do much with this degree I sought after.
As part of my Kinesiology degree I had to take several psychology classes, and I enjoyed each one. Theres always been this interest that kept me very intrigued.

Now, as a professional cyclist and Cycling Coach I've picked up those psychology books once again. However, this time I've been studying mental discipline, and how all this is tied into performance as an athlete and as a coach.

As an athlete we face set backs, injuries, ups and downs of performing. It's taking these challenges and embracing them. How you choose to respond to these set backs is what sets you apart from others.

I've always been a big proponent of mind over matter. I've struggled myself with many injuries and come backs myself. But I wanted to dig deeper in the mind set, peel the layers back and understand where the core of this distraction stems from. If you want something bad enough you will figure out how to get there, right ? Its not as simple as that, however, I've been studying this subject for the last four years. I will say I have a better understanding of what it takes. Our brain is a muscle, we must keep the brain engaged, work it out just like you would any other muscle. More specifically taking your discipline and working with your brain on the mental side of it all.
It's when we have a good balance of physical and mental preparation is what truly enhances our performance. So, Take time to breathe and figure out what is holding you back from your dreams, goals and life.

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